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Thanks to the EU Whistleblowing Directive for the first time in German history whistleblowers will be protected against reprisals. Although the directive has not yet been transformed into a national law (which should have happened until December 17, 2021) the effects on German corporate culture can already be felt. A few details still need to […]

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) yesterday, Thursday, has made its decision, which was awaited by many with great nervousness and which represents a partly expected, partly feared bang. In July 2019 when the hearing in the Schrems / Facebook II case (C 311/18) took place the data protection commissioner of Baden-Württemberg at that time called […]

Against the background of the recent economical developments we have published a new practical guide to redundancy and work force restructuring in Germany. You will learn which essential requirements of labour and employment law need to be taken into account when planning a restructuring project including the work force. Download our guide here.  

Urgent need for action for companies Today (25 April 2019), following its promulgation in the Federal Law Gazette, the Law on the Protection of Trade Secrets came into force. After some changes to the government draft, the Bundestag passed the law on 21 March 2019, and the Bundesrat approved the draft on 12 April 2019. […]

Das IPBA Journal veröffentlicht in seiner neuesten Ausgabe einen Artikel von EMPLAYWERS-Partner Roland Falder über die Anforderungen an ein modernes Compliance-System in deutschen Unternehmen und die Risiken der Non-Compliance. Den vollständigen Artikel lesen Sie hier.

Employees joining the services of a competitor after having terminated their contract are a fear for many companies. The loss of knowledge ,contacts and ultimately business often is real. Thus it is understandable that employers want to protect themselves. German employment law however contains a number of pitfalls employers should avoid when agreeing a post […]

Relations between employers and employees in Germany are extensively regulated under German labor and employment law. German labor and employment law is strongly biased in favour of employees. For non-German employers it is essential to know some of the specifics of the German labor and employment law when employing staff in Germany. Set out below are some […]