Legal Form, Register:
EMPLAWYERS Falder Walk Bertram (hereinafter also referred to as: EMPLAWYERS) is a limited-liability partnership of lawyers (hereinafter also referred to as: LlbPart) as defined by the German Partnership Act (Partnerschaftsgesellschaftsgesetz), registered in the partnership register at the District Court Munich under number PR 1362.
Headquarters of the partnership:
The limited liability partnership is headquartered in Munich
Landshuter Allee, 80637 Munich
Telephone: +49 89-18 94 53 8-00
Fax : +49 89-18 94 53 8-10
Occupational Title and Responsible Chamber:
The lawyers of the EMPLAWYERS law firm are admitted in accordance with the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The right to use the occupational title “Rechtsanwalt” (German lawyer) as well as the title “Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht” (specialist for labour law) was granted in the Federal Republic of Germany. The lawyers at EMPLAWYERS are members of the Munich Bar Association (Tal 33, 80331 Munich, Tel.: +49 89-532944-0, Fax: +49 89-532944-28).
VAT Identificatioin Number:
The VAT identification number of the law firm is: DE296900556
Tax number:
The tax number from the responsible tax office Munich is: 143/515/50547
Professional liability insurance:
Professional liability insurance with HDI Versicherung AG, Buchholzer Straße 98, 30655 Hanover, is in place.
The insurance number is: 70-009479417-4.
Lawyers belonging to a limited liability partnership of lawyers are obligated to maintain professional liability insurance with a minimum amount insured of EUR 2,500,000.00. The relevant details are provided for in sec. 51a Federal Lawyer Ordinance (BRAO).
Professional regulations:
- The following professional regulations apply:
- German Federal Lawyers’ Professional Code (BRAO)
- German Professional Ordinance for Lawyers (BORA
- German Lawyers’ Remuneration Act (RVG)
- Charter of core principles of the European legal profession and code of conduct for European Lawyers (CCBE)
- Law on the Activities of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG).
- They can be viewed on the homepage of the German Federal Bar Association (
Client-lawyer relationship:
Every client-lawyer relationship is established exclusively between EMPLAWYERS Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB and the respective client. EMPLAWYERS are represented by the partners Rechtsanwalt Dr. Frank Walk (German lawyer) and Axel Bertram (German lawyer), each individually. All other lawyers employed at EMPLAWYERS are not authorised to represent the limited liability partnership.
Out-of-court dispute resolution:
At request, lawyers and their clients have the option of endeavouring an out-of-court dispute resolution before the competent regional bar association (sec. 73 ( (2) no. 3 in conjunction with sec. 73 (5) BRAO) or the Lawyer’s Mediation Board (sec. 191 et seq. BRAO) of the German Federal Bar Association (
Within the meaning of German media law and the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz), the publisher and responsible party is:
EMPLAWYERS Falder Walk Bertram Partnerschaftsgesellschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB
RA Dr. Frank Walk
Landshuter Allee 8
D-80637 Munich
Telephone: +49 8918 94 53 8-00
Fax : +49 89 18 94 53 8 – 10
Notes on the use of data:
Of course, we observe the provisions of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and Telemedia Act (TMG). It is generally possible for you to visit our site without transmitting personal data. The provision of your data to us occurs on a voluntary basis – e. g. with our contact form or via e-mail. We use such data only for the purpose of processing your request. You may object to the use of your data at any time. Your data will not be shared with third parties.
Third parties are not permitted to use the information provided on the website (e. g. postal and e-mail addresses) for advertising purposes. We consider to the use of this information for such purposes spamming and, as a precautionary measure, object to it already herein.
The following applies for all links from the website to other Internet pages:
We have no influence of any kind on the nature or content of pages linked to the website. We therefore expressly disassociate ourselves from all content of all pages linked to the www. website. This declaration applies to all links inserted on our website and to all content on the linked pages.
This website serves only as general information and does not in any way constitute a legal consultation. EMPLAWYERS offers no guarantee whatsoever that the information herein is correct, complete and up-to-date. The above information pursuant to sec. 5 TMG, sec. 55 (1) Broadcasting Agreement of the German Federal States (RStV) and secs. 2, 3 Service Provider’s Duty to Inform (DL-InfoV) is excluded from this disclaimer.
Applicable Law:
The legal notice on this website (www. and any disputes in connection with the use of this website are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
© 2014 EMPLAWYERS Falder Walk Bertram Partnerschaftsgesellschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB
All text on this website is protected by copyright. The publication, assimilation or use of text, images or other data from this website requires the written consent of EMPLAWYERS.
- Portraits: Max Ott –
- Coffee cups coffee@emplawyers: Farknot Architect –
- Schedule Events: Wellnhofer Designs –
- Trainigs: Andy Shell –
- News: peshkov –
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