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We offer employment law in-house trainings - tailor-made to your needs.

Costly mistakes can be avoided

You are welcome to call us whenever you have a question. But you might not need to do that very often in the future, because we like to share our knowledge with you.


Tailor-made instead of standard fare

To keep up with all the latest developments in employment law you may opt to send an employee to a commercial seminar. Your budget will have to provide for travel and accommodation costs, and the content is at best 60-70% relevant for your company. Worst of all, the information gathered by one employee must be transferred to others – usually this is done ineffectively by circulating the printed handouts.

Our alternative: news and information is provided to numerous employees at the same time, without any need for excessive travel time and costs. We offer in-house seminars tailor-made for your company. To achieve this, we contact you in advance and cover only those topics which are of most relevance for you. Employees get exactly the kind and amount of information defined by you at a fraction of commercial seminar costs.


Benefits for all

We see seminars, workshops and lectures as unique opportunities to exchange views and thus broaden the horizons of all participants, including ourselves. This enables us to get even better at serving your interests.

What else can you expect from us?

In addition to seminars, workshops and lectures we regularly offer networking opportunities where you can meet likeminded people who often face the same problems as you do. It's up to you. You can choose from our website, or - even better - talk to us about your needs.

Contact us